what does yahoo mean?
2006-01-09 18:58:55 UTC
what does yahoo mean?
Seven answers:
2006-01-09 19:00:19 UTC

n 1: not very intelligent or interested in culture [syn: yokel, rube, hick, hayseed, bumpkin, chawbacon] 2: one of a race of brutes resembling men but subject to the Houyhnhnms in a novel by Jonathan Swift [syn: Yahoo]
2006-01-11 02:15:53 UTC
the name of GOD is spelled YHWH. Phoneticly, YA-HU-AH. Some think names of the hebrews used it in their names,definately YA was used, probably Yahu. ie Joshua is Ya-hu-shua (GOD's son(jesus)), John is actually Ya-hu-channon, more recently a famous name is Benjamin Natanyahu. The gentiles around them always have made fun of the jews ways. this use of Ya-Hu in many of their names became a put down by the gentiles, calling them Yahoos.


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For other uses, see Yahoo.

In Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift, a Yahoo is a vile and savage creature, filthy and with unpleasant habits, resembling human beings far too closely for the liking of Lemuel Gulliver, who finds the calm and rational society of the Houyhnhnms far preferable. Hence the term "Yahoo" has become a general term of insult, much along the lines of "cretin."

The name of the yowie of Australian myth was taken from Swift's Yahoos originally. Daniel Boone claimed that he killed a hairy giant that he called a Yahoo. Boone often used terms from Gulliver's Travels.
2006-01-20 06:58:52 UTC


An unrefined, rude person

The crude, dirty “brutes” of the land of the Houyhnhnms in Gulliver's Travels, by Jonathan Swift. The Yahoos are irrational people and represent the worst side of humanity. By contrast, the wise and gentle Houyhnhnms, their masters, are rational horses and represent humanity at its best.

Yahoo can refer to a number of things:

Yahoo! is a popular web portal.

Yahoos are creatures found in the book Gulliver's Travels

Yahoo Serious is an actor

Yellow Yahoo is a character on the children's show Sesame Street.

"Yahoo" also refers to a person lacking intelligence or sophistication.

"Yahoo!" could also be a word uttered when one is excited. ("Yahoo! It's not raining today!")

YAHOO is an acronym for:

Meaning Category

Y Are Hobos On Ones Miscellaneous->Funnies

Yet Another Hasty Organizer Of Opportunity Miscellaneous->Funnies

Yet Another Helpful Operation Origin Miscellaneous->Funnies

Yet Another Hierarchical Offensive Oracle Miscellaneous->Funnies

Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle Miscellaneous->Funnies

Yet Another Hierarchical Organizational Order Miscellaneous->Funnies

Yet Another Hierarchically Odiferous Oracle Miscellaneous->Funnies

Yet Another Hierarchically Officious Oracle Miscellaneous->Funnies

Yet Another Hierarchically Organised Oracle Miscellaneous->Funnies

Yet Another Hierarchically Organized Object Miscellaneous->Funnies

Yet Another Hierarchically Organized Oracle Miscellaneous->Funnies

Yet Another Hypertext Online Organizer Miscellaneous->Funnies


You Always Have Other Options Internet->Chat

You Are Hazy Over Oranges Miscellaneous->Funnies

Yahoo Inc. :

Yahoo! started out as "Jerry's Guide to the World Wide Web" but eventually received a new moniker with the help of a dictionary. The name Yahoo is an acronym for "Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle," but Filo and Yang insist they selected the name because they liked the general definition of a yahoo, as in Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift: "rude, unsophisticated, uncouth." Yahoo itself first resided on Yang's student workstation, "Akebono," while the software was lodged on Filo's computer, "Konishiki"—both named after legendary sumo wrestlers. The "yet another" phrasing goes back at least to the Unix utility yacc, whose name is an acronym for "yet another compiler compiler".
2006-01-10 03:02:32 UTC
well in the context in which the company uses the word, it is an expression of joy like when a cowboy says yeehaw or yippie! Cowboys also say Yahoo! Others might as well, but i've only seen cowboys do it, of course I live in Texas so I don't see much more than cowboys or cows.
2006-01-10 03:04:16 UTC
Acronym for "Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle" containing thousands of computers linked to the Internet.
2006-01-10 11:07:46 UTC
How 'bout this: A good ol'e search engine! HAHA!
2006-01-10 03:04:49 UTC
People sometimes yell it when they are happy.


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.