Looking for non MSG Chinese food restaurant in Chinatown, NY. Any suggestions?
2009-05-24 14:05:07 UTC
Out of the abundant Chinese food restaurants in Chinatown NYC, none that I have seen advertise or post in their windows as having MSG free food. Desperately seeking at least one. Thank you!
Three answers:
2009-05-27 10:29:50 UTC
MSG Isn't harmful...the whole myth that it is was started by ONE person who publicly claimed it gave him a headache. After that people began assuming it was harmful based on the psychosomatic reactions they were having in relation to the rumour.

MSG is a product of the fermentation of starch, sugar beets, sugar cane, or molasses and is not a chemical, as has been incorrectly reported. It's a simple flavour enhancer that was invented in Japan and allows chefs to create more flavorful (MSG is where the umami or 6th flavor, comes from.)

A televised experiment aired just this past weekend wherein half a roomful of people were given Chinese food with MSG and half were not and most of the people who reported feeling the "side effects" of MSG were the ones who had not eaten it.
2009-05-26 13:53:16 UTC
Lots of Luck. They ALL use MSG even if you ask them not to use it. If you're lucky they will only use a little. Take the #7 train to Flushing, the NEW NY Chinatown, it's not for tourists. Great food @ great prices. They only use a little MSG. I live 10 minutes away, my wife is Chinese and we go a few times a week.
2016-10-26 08:53:24 UTC
%. any eating position in Chinatown, Mott highway, Bayard highway, Canal St., East Broadway. All are tremendous. Or bypass to Brooklyn's Chinatown. eighth street betwen sixty fifth highway and fifty fifth highway. N practice to eighth street. attempt 6201 eighth street, acceptable Dim Sum everywhere. Brooklyn's Chinatown is larger than vast apple's in recent times. that is the position the chinese language devour.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.